Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Getting Started

I work really hard, and as crazy as it sounds, after a long day, I love coming home and cooking. So this is my story, of finding recipes, tweaking them, and sharing with you what works and what doesn't. I'm not gonna lie - this is mainly a selfish blog. A way to remind myself what changes I make to recipes, but I hope someone out there finds it useful too.  My husband and I try to eat healthy, but we don't always. We love fresh foods, salads, and don't eat a lot of meat in our weeknight meals. And simple, not time consuming recipes are very important in our house, as I don't usually get home until 7 or 7:30. As you go on this journey with me, you'll notice those things. I'll also throw in fun stuff, like the rating from my husband on how many dishes I use (he does the dishes). Enjoy!